Intuitive Clarifications with Natasha
On Wednesdays and other pop up times, the Podcast Intuitive Clarifications with Natasha~ Opening to New Knowings Catch it live Live Wednesdays 4pm PST on YouTube Natasha Venter-IC She holds the intention to bring the spirit worlds loving consciousness and messages down to this earthly plain. Natasha uses her life-long, natural born intuitive abilities to guide us through bumps along the road of life. With her soul’s remembrance of being born, she easily travels to any lifetime, dimension, and the Akashic Records. She’s been described as a bridge between worlds as a gifted animal communicator, a reader of energies, of client’s properties, Mother Earth, and in her work lovingly assisting people through grief and other emotionally challenging times. Natasha not only discusses how to navigate life but is joined Every 3rd Wed. by Newton Institute hypnotherapist Reagan Forston where Regan shares how using past life regression techniques and EFT (tapping) helps his clients. Join Natasha and her guests and let her over thirty years of experience guiding clients with her readings, healing meditations, life coaching enlighten and inspire you. ~ YouTube, FB, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok & LinkedIn @Natasha Venter_ic
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
2023 and our personal ascension
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Have you been feeling the energy around us? Are you feeling like your bodies have troubles? Well it makes sense because we're going to this essential process and it's gonna be amazing what happens in this next year. Today I will talk about the energies that we were going through at the end of the year and now what they're gonna mean coming into this year. I will also talk about what I have an intuition about what this next year's going to be like as we go forward. Let's make some Goals about our life around what we're going to be doing coming into this year.
Natasha Venter
Psychic Medium
Personal Awareness Life Coach
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Do you feel like the floor drops up money few when you hear bad news? Do you feel like that when something doesn't go through the world comes to an end? Is it hard to trust sometimes in this world? On today's show we will talk about disappointment. Our world and our lives deals with disappointment a lot and yet some of us have a hard time with it. Sometimes we just lose hope in the future and yet we never knows what the future has instore. We hope today's show will give you some inspiration through the disappointments in our lives.
Natasha Venter
Psychic Medium
Personal Awareness Life Coach
Regan Forston
Clinical Hypnotherapist
EFT tapping Consultant
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Elements Fire, Air, Earth, Metals, water
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
We have fire, air, water, and Earth that are very much important in our lives so with that that I'm going to talk about how the elementals interact and can effect our day to day here on the show today.
Natasha Venter
Psychic Medium
Personal Awareness Life Coach
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Disappointment with Ourselves
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Do you feel down/bad when life goes wrong... blame yourself? Do you look into the past holding disappointment with yourself? Last week on the Dances of the Soul we talked about disappointment with things on the outside of us this week we want to talk about disappointment with in ourselves. When we feel like we let ourselves down it builds up and really weird emotions and then many other emotions tag along even anger. We hope this conversation will help Come in interact if you're so chose with comments to let us know how you feel about your own disappointment. If you're looking for support Reagan Forston and I both have private Sessions to help with these moments in our lives.
Natasha Venter
Psychic Medium
Personal Awareness Life Coach
Intuitive Feng Shui Consultant
Regan Forston
Clinical Hypnotherapist and EFT tapping Consultant
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Chinese New Year &_Fungi Shui on Life Clarifications w_ Natasha
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Are you feeling stuck? Is relationships interesting? Are you wishing life will change?
On today's show I will talk about how to work with Feng Shui and why it is so important in our lives to have good energy in the house. This conversation will also include the Chinese New Year of the rabbit. Last year was the year of the ox. BOY what a year to get down and deep into the Earth to figure out what we need to do, now it's time to hop like a rabbit I'll explain more. I will explain more as it is the year to make some shifts to help us grow and move to our greater good! I will also pull some orical cards for us!
Natasha Venter
Psychic Medium
Personal Awareness Life Coach
Intuitive Feng Shui Consultant
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Update of wed. 1/18 Life Clarifications with Natasha
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
On yesterday show I made a flubble... And I want to make some clarifications on that so today is going to be a quick show to talk about The year of the Chinese year and it meaning. I explained more about last years Year of the Tiger not the Ox.
Natasha Venter
Psychic Medium
Personal Awareness Life Coach
Intuitive Feng Shui Consultant
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Judgment w ourselves & others on The Dance of the Soul
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Do you feel like you pick up a stick and beat yourself with it metaphorically when you do do right? Do you feel like that no matter what happens there's judgment that comes out of you? Do you feel like when things go wrong it's easy to blame? On today's show Reagan Forston and I, Natasha Venter are talking about the judgment that we have for ourselves which is easy to do. Then we're going talk about how we may have judgment outside of ourselves that comes up unknowingly and unconsciously. We do hope that this show helps bring an insight and a perspective to help us all do better.
Natasha Venter
Psychic Medium
Personal Awareness Life Coach
Intuitive Feng Shui Consultant
Regan Forston
Clinical Hypnotherapist
EFT tapping Consultant
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Partnerships/relationships on Life Clarifications w Natasha
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Are you struggling with relationships? Is there someone life you want to get closer too but you don't know how? Do you have a good relationship with your body and guides?
I have some tools for you on how you can work together with partnerships with girlfriends, male friends, partnership and friends as we're all going through many changes..... Also getting to have a better relationships with your body and guides.
I will be pulling Oracle Cards towards the end For you so if you want a little bit of reading come and ask for one.
Natasha Venter
Psychic Medium
Personal Awareness Life Coach
Intuitive Feng Shui Consultant
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Souls & the afterlife on The Dance of the Soul
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Do you wonder where souls go? Do you wonder why some souls stay here and others go home? Do you wonder if you have to be religious souls to go home?
On the dance the soul Reagan Forston and I, Natasha Venter will be talking about souls and why some go home, why some don't. Sometimes it's a choice sometimes it's not yet we all get where we need to go. Reagan and I will talk about this because I know that a lot of us are going through the grief or we have the near death experience where we wonder if this is part of the soul's journey of figuring things out.
Natasha Venter
Psychic Medium
Personal Awareness Life Coach
Intuitive Feng Shui Consultant
Regan Forston
Clinical Hypnotherapist
EFT tapping Consultant
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Where did we come from on Life clarifications with Natasha
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Where do we come from.... The question what did we hear.... What happens through the process of us coming into this world....
I know I have a unique perspective, well at least in my perception I do. I will talk about my vision of what and where we come from as my knowings have many clear remembrances. I remember my past lives, birth and even pre birth. I can bring in some perspectives that might help you with some ideas on whys of life. I will also pull some Oracle cards towards the end of the show like I always do hoping to bring some insight through the spirit of the cards.
Natasha Venter
Psychic Medium
Personal Awareness Life Coach
Intuitive Feng Shui Consultant
I will wait and tell you my story as this comes forth on todays show.