Intuitive Clarifications with Natasha
On Wednesdays and other pop up times, the Podcast Intuitive Clarifications with Natasha~ Opening to New Knowings Catch it live Live Wednesdays 4pm PST on YouTube Natasha Venter-IC She holds the intention to bring the spirit worlds loving consciousness and messages down to this earthly plain. Natasha uses her life-long, natural born intuitive abilities to guide us through bumps along the road of life. With her soul’s remembrance of being born, she easily travels to any lifetime, dimension, and the Akashic Records. She’s been described as a bridge between worlds as a gifted animal communicator, a reader of energies, of client’s properties, Mother Earth, and in her work lovingly assisting people through grief and other emotionally challenging times. Natasha not only discusses how to navigate life but is joined Every 3rd Wed. by Newton Institute hypnotherapist Reagan Forston where Regan shares how using past life regression techniques and EFT (tapping) helps his clients. Join Natasha and her guests and let her over thirty years of experience guiding clients with her readings, healing meditations, life coaching enlighten and inspire you. ~ YouTube, FB, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok & LinkedIn @Natasha Venter_ic
Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
Let's talk about what is going on & I will be channeling Mikael
Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
We are walking into tremendous times of change. In the world of where we're at things are moving so fast and people are making some big decisions.
Please remember as you're walking forward that the dimensions and the world's are going to be interweaving with our timeline and memories of what we're doing. kinda like the Mandela effect. We may remember it one way but it was actually another way in my opinion that's the dimensional shifts that we're going through.
I want you to remember that you are not going into a decision without any emotions because the emotions are going to be triggered no matter what we do. We have Mars going into cancer right now which is part of this trigger and we also have Chiron and many other planets triggering us into awakening into the beings that we're meant to be.
Through the show I will be channeling Michael who will help explain some of this also I will be pulling Oracle cards towards the end of the show for private reading.
It will feel good to be alive again after my short vacation As I hope everybody had a very good end of the year and into the new.
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive Medium
Spiritual Life Advisor Past Life ~ Energy Seer
Animal Communicator
Motivational Speaker
Instagram, X, LinkedIn & YouTube @NatashaVenter_ic
Podcast @Intuitive Clarifications with Natasha
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
Feng Shui & the decluttering as we all seem to want to do this now
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
As 2025 as started there are alot of decluttering videos and knowledge coming out and I'm going to pick up on that idea. I appreciate one of my client/friend for telling me to do it this idea. This show does have visual content shared. Please go to NatashaVenter~IC youtube to watch this and other videos on my channel.
I have studied Feng Shui for many years! I'm not a licensed Feng Shuiest yet I have loved to bring a lot of peace into my home after learning this style of Feng Shui. I also love to organize and somewhat declutter. Now I'm not a minimalist yet I have purpose in all that I have around me.
With that I want everyone to know that as you walk forward you're going to come across things that mean a lot and there's things that don't and that's going to be the difference about should I get rid of it or not.
During your stirring up of energy you may want to do some house clearings; getting the story out of the house, and dealing with the energies wanted and unwanted. You can do this by smudging, ringing bells, and other ways which I will give you some ideas.
In today's journey of my show I'm going to do my short/ light version of Feng Shui and some tips on organizing/decluttering as we come into this new time of life. The Chinese New Year's is the year of the snake so this is a great time also to bring in that new energy and organizing /decluttering. This can even mean just getting rid of one thing.
If you're looking for more details and a deeper understanding I can help you with this in a private session and Or in a home visit to do the deeper work as this is just a short, one hour show. I'm also thinking about doing a class on Feng Shui if you're interested please let me know by emailing me.
I do hope that in your truth that this show will be helpful for you
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive Medium
Spiritual Life Advisor
Past Life ~ Energy Seer
Animal Communicator
Motivational Speaker
Instagram, X, LinkedIn & YouTube @NatashaVenter_ic
Podcast @Intuitive Clarifications with Natasha
Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
How to witness the 3D world & move into the new dimensions
Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
Welcome to the show with Regan Forston and I Natasha Venter we are here to support you in your life's journey. Regan Forston is a hypnotherapist with the Newton Institute and studied with Diane Cannon and he also does the EFT tapping with the support of counseling.
I'm Natasha Venter a spiritual medium, life adviser who really enjoys helping people through the 3D world into the next dimensions of the world as we all have some stories that keep us back from being who we truly are.
On today's show the discussion will be about how does the universe and our life around us talk to us about the maturing of who we are. Example of this might be the numbers you see, the interactions with other people, and it might be also many other things which which we will discuss.
We both are so excited to be able to support you in your life's journey to bring in some understanding of the world around you and how it impacts us because everything that we have can be a metaphor about life and what we can be in our new knowings.
The world around us is changing so much right now and the star beings are showing themselves landing on our planet and also the many other things that are happening that our understanding is going to need to stretch and grow. I hope today's discussion will give you some understandings grace and love into your life.
I also channeled star being Mikael to give you information on some things that are happening around us. It was a gift as Regan was able to ask questions that he had and I thought they were great answers to some of our questions too.
Please know that your truth is your truth this is just an opportunity to gain some information that might align with you in a future time.
Regan Froston
Clinical hypnotherapists with the Newton Institute and Diane Cannon.
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive Medium
Spiritual life Advisor
Past Life ~ Energy Seer
Animal Communicator
Motivational Speaker
Instagram TikTok, YouTube, X (Twitter), LinkedIn @natashaventer_ic
Podcast@ Intuitive Clarifications with Natasha
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Tips on Staying Sane When Life is in Chaos
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
How have you been lately? I know for me life has been busy and chaotic as I've been witnessing others having the same thing.
We just had seven planets aligning, now the new moon, and the Chinese New Year to name a few reason why life feels like it's flopped upside down.
On today's show I, Natasha Venter, Intuitive Medium, Spiritual life advisor, would love to support you in your life's journey of how to stay sane in the middle of chaos.
This chaos could be times like people at work just going off the rails, traffic, getting into situations, conversations with other people who you don't agree with you, even your pet can even put you into chaos.
Like tonight when I'm trying to get ready to go to bed and wanting to do a last minute thing of posting my video, my cat is running all over the house doing things to trigger me, I perceive after a busy long day. Well it was a good observation on how I can stay in my own understanding and my own energy even though that was happening.
I would love to give you tools on how to stay in your own energy field your own understanding and even staying a little bit centered in who you are even though the life around you is not.
I will also be channeling Johosapher to give guidance through this journey that we're all in right now. And if there's time I will pull Oracle cards for those that are here live.
Please remember that your truth is your truth this is just a perspective on how you can do life maybe a little bit better in moments that life hits.
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive Medium
Spiritual life Advisor
Past Life ~ Energy Seer
Animal Communicator
Motivational Speaker
Instagram TikTok, YouTube, X (Twitter), LinkedIn @natashaventer_ic
Podcast@ Intuitive Clarifications with Natasha
Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
Channeled Message Mikeal & Tidbits on today's life
Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
I am excited to have Mikeal give a message to you about life through my channeling.
Mikeal is a star being from the council who really would love to support you in your life's journey. As we're going through a lot of changes I thought it would be a good idea and so did Michael about supporting you in the ups and downs we're going through.
I also will give some insight on the Chinese New Year of the Snake and just some general how do you get through today in my perspective.
And as we go through life I will be pulling oracle cards at the end to support a personal perspective if you are wanting to have that.
Please remember that as I channel your truth is your truth. Please though I love for you to listen to the message because sometimes that message can be very helpful even if you don't believe in channeling.
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive Medium
Spiritual Life Advisor
Past Life ~ Energy Seer
Animal Communicator
Motivational Speaker
Instagram, X, LinkedIn & YouTube @NatashaVenter_ic
Podcast @Intuitive Clarifications with Natasha
3 hours ago
Ideas on How to Stay out of Judgment
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
On today's show I'm going to be talking about how to stay out of judgment.
We all come from some place, go through something, do something that we're not proud of, and we always look at the other person as a fault many times as a habit.
Many of us do live in circumstances where it's not easy or negotiable in our story and our life yet we yet we can always find a way to stay out of judging others.
Now that doesn't mean that we don't have to have boundaries or some consequences to other people's actions or things that we can do to make a difference.
I would love to give examples of this on my own side of my own life living with others and how to stay in negotiations for life to move forward.
I'm also going to be channeling someone who wants to present themselves and pull some oracle cards towards the end if you are here to want one.
Like I say in many time in my shows ... your truth is your truth. I am a perception/ perspective that can maybe help you shift into something that is better for your life.
Thank you for watching live if you choose and recordings if that's even better for you as I want you to find blessings in your life.
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive Medium
Spiritual life Advisor
Past Life ~ Energy Seer
Animal Communicator
Motivational Speaker
Instagram TikTok, YouTube, X (Twitter), LinkedIn @natashaventer_ic
Podcast@ Intuitive Clarifications with Natasha