Intuitive Clarifications with Natasha
On Wednesdays and other pop up times, the Podcast Intuitive Clarifications with Natasha~ Opening to New Knowings Catch it live Live Wednesdays 4pm PST on YouTube Natasha Venter-IC She holds the intention to bring the spirit worlds loving consciousness and messages down to this earthly plain. Natasha uses her life-long, natural born intuitive abilities to guide us through bumps along the road of life. With her soul’s remembrance of being born, she easily travels to any lifetime, dimension, and the Akashic Records. She’s been described as a bridge between worlds as a gifted animal communicator, a reader of energies, of client’s properties, Mother Earth, and in her work lovingly assisting people through grief and other emotionally challenging times. Natasha not only discusses how to navigate life but is joined Every 3rd Wed. by Newton Institute hypnotherapist Reagan Forston where Regan shares how using past life regression techniques and EFT (tapping) helps his clients. Join Natasha and her guests and let her over thirty years of experience guiding clients with her readings, healing meditations, life coaching enlighten and inspire you. ~ YouTube, FB, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok & LinkedIn @Natasha Venter_ic
Wednesday Jan 31, 2024
'Every Label Has a Story'
Wednesday Jan 31, 2024
Wednesday Jan 31, 2024
This shows conversation will include insights about labels and how Every Label Has a Story. We see and hear them everywhere. He’s a ‘…….’, She’s a ‘……..’, You’re a ‘……..’ There are even labels we give ourselves. We often rely on what seems to be the safety of labels to define who ‘they’ are and who ‘we’ are.
Decisions can feel easier when we manage our life with labels that often boil down to judgements based in less than a full understanding of the whole HUMAN BEING. How can we completely understand someone else when each of us has our own story and perspectives? Society and social media throw labels around as reasons we should set strong boundaries and make decisions about our relationships, employment, and even family. Behind every label and every person is a story. A full story complete with memories, wants, needs, desires, hopes and dreams.
Labels are about behavior- not the soul of the person. How do we take the next steps in our life HONORING both our ourselves and those around us? How do we find our way through challenges with others – AND Love ourselves? Does the ‘narcissist’ need more love? Does the ‘clingy one’ have very real memories of having been abandoned in their past? Does the ‘clown’ need to make people laugh to feel valued? Do we have the responsibility to ‘fix’ or ‘heal’ others on their own path? Could we if we tried and is it up to us to LABEL what fixing or healing looks like for them? Some might ask ‘how can I help THEM?’
Maybe there are different questions we can ask ourselves to discover the story behind the labels . Are my boundaries right for me, right now? Are there things I can learn, ways I can grow, where I am now rather than jumping out of ‘here’ or into something new? A little hint – Life often gives us similar situations when we ‘jump’ – offering another opportunity to discover new steps in our dance.
You never know who in the spirit world will pop in to give guidance as I channel their message (Archangel Metatron was who came through today)to assist you in finding your own truth. We’ll also have time to pull cards and offer you personal insight.
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive Medium
Spiritual Advisor
Past Life ~ Energy Seer
Animal Communicator
Feng Shui Consultant
Facebook, Instagram TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn @NatashaVenterAC
Podcast@ Every Day With An Angel
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Growing Through ADHD and PTSD
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Welcome To February! I’d love to have you join me Wednesday, Feb. 7th at 4pm PST for a conversation about
***Growing Through ADHD and PTSD.***
You don’t need to have had a huge life-altering event to experience symptoms of PTSD. ADHD behaviors can develop in response to the multiple responsibilities and desires of daily life. Both can also be induced by trauma whether it be large or ongoing emotional issues, hardship, obligations, or burdens.
Many of us have felt challenged by life. Our ways of coping may not be working as well when the world around us seems to keep offering more. More stimulation. More opportunities to distract ourselves. More predicaments, problems, and pitfalls. More reasons to fall back into old responses we already know are no longer working for us. There are also more opportunities to grow into our better selves.
While ADHD and PTSD are medical diagnoses – many of us have brains with unique ‘wiring’. Being Dyslexic, learning to read was a challenge for me. I developed many habits to help me ‘feel safe’ as the world around me often FELT unwelcoming, confusing, and too much to handle. Our nervous system steps in to help us create habits that assist us in feeling safe and as life goes on some of them no longer honor our needs or serve our best interests. That trusty old metaphorical ‘suit of armor’ no longer fits. The walls we built for protection can turn into a box keeping us safe but holding us back. Is it time to expand into more comfortable ways to calm and soothe ourselves when we face the situations life presents us?
I want you to know these are sensitive subjects very close to my heart. We are EACH a perfect expression of LIFE. So very uniquely individual. My passion is helping YOU find ways to GROW- knowing you are loved. To BE knowing you matter. To find JOY knowing you are a blessing to others. To ACCEPT YOURSELF in all the awesomeness only you can be.
I will bring in (channel) guides or deities "ArchAngel Michael" to support us in knowing how to work through the current energies and how to quiet ourselves in our moments. I hope the channeling I offer is supportive of you in your life's journey. I’ll also pull an Oracle card to help you in your day-to-day walk. Towards the end of the show- just ask.
Blessings to you and yours
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive
Medium Spiritual Life Advisor
Past Life ~ Energy Seer
Animal Communicator
Feng Shui Consultant
Facebook, Instagram TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn
Podcast@ Every Day With An Angel
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
Valentine's Day (self love)and The Chinese New Year of the Dragon.
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
Join me February 14th at 4pm PST. I will be talking about Valentine's Day and The Chinese New Year of the Dragon.
We're coming into moments when we are going to want to find love. Love is something that can be a little elusive unless we find it in ourselves first. If you're in partnership with someone you may want to ask yourself what are my needs? What are my misunderstandings? What are my goals to be better in this relationship?
Being in a 35 year relationship with someone, I understand the tug and pull of relationships and need for love even when we are in a long term relationship. Love is never going to be easy. It’s a journey of learning and understanding that will sometimes present the opposite of what we want because there is a lesson we need to learn. Trust the process and always come back to self-love where we can negotiate things for the better.
Some of our old stories aren’t working anymore so my husband and I are finding and expanding our love in new ways. I know that even with our many years together we are still figuring out we love each other more and more every day. The year of the Dragon is bringing in a bit of fire along with new understandings of who we are.
I will channel a dragon with a message to be our better selves. I will also pull oracle cards to give messages for all who want to listen. Blessings to you on this journey. I hope this show will help you find that love that you're looking for.
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive Medium
Spiritual life Advisor
Past Life ~ Energy Seer
Animal Communicator
Feng Shui Consultant
Facebook, Instagram TikTok, YouTube, X (Twitter), LinkedIn
Podcast@ Every Day With An Angel
Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
How our body can communicate to us about our life
Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
How IS your body feeling right now?
Is it feeling kind of achy or good? Maybe someone out there has a knee situation or problem with another part of the body?
Regan Forston, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Past Life Regressionist, and I, Natasha Venter Intuitive Medium will talk about how many of us carry a lot of emotions, stress, and/or ideas in our body.
It's amazing how our body can tell us exactly how we're treating ourself in the many different situations in our life. If we're afraid to move forward, we might have hip, ankle, or knee problems. If we're not willing to grasp all life offers us, we might have hand, arm, or shoulder problems.
With Regan, he asked about a client who gave permission for me to do a small reading on her shoulders and how the emotions might be triggered. Even though she's been doing massages and acupuncture sometimes we can do the outside work, but if we don't do the inner emotional and the nerve system shifts and changes it can be interesting balance trying to heal our fuller self.
Towards the end of this show, I actually talked to someone who asked about depression, which then we ran over a little bit on our time to answer these questions.
I hope they were helpful for most everybody who is dealing with depression.
When we can negotiate the world with a little more understanding as we begin to realize the energetic connections our thoughts, emotions and stress have with our physical body. I'm looking forward to this conversation with Regan Forston.
Please tune in and ask questions.
Regan Forston
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Past Life Regressionist
EFT Tapping Consultant
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive Medium
Spiritual life Advisor
Past Life ~ Energy Seer
Animal Communicator
Feng Shui Consultant
Facebook, Instagram TikTok, YouTube, X (Twitter), LinkedIn
Podcast@ Every Day With An Angel
Wednesday Feb 28, 2024
How do you like your self and your body?
Wednesday Feb 28, 2024
Wednesday Feb 28, 2024
What do you feel about your life right now and your self image? We are all going through things, but it seems like there's so much out there about our bodies right now.
Knowing that Regan Forston and I talked about it last week, the conversation still come keeps coming up about our bodies so I thought I would add more to help ourselves feel better. Many of us don't appreciate where we're at with our bodies in the moment.
Many of us struggle with our perception of this wrinkle, that flabby place or our story that society wants us to have. When we're going into life, life is always going to get a little bit more in depth with certain things like wrinkles, pains, aches and we many times judge so harshly with ourselves that our bodies take on the negative energies.
I'm hoping that with this conversation you can find more love for yourself, where you're at. I want you to remember that no matter what's going on your body is going to be perfectly imperfect through this whole story of your life. Yes, I do not like the wrinkles that are coming on. No, I don't like this and I don't like that, But thing is what are we going to do about it?
Towards the end of the show, I'm going to be helping you work with insights as I will be pulling oracle cards to help also. Also when I do shows by myself, what's ends up happening sometimes there's an opportunity for channeling. I did channel White Calf Buffalo Woman with a gifted message.
Please remember that you're loved and that you are made of love.
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive Medium
Spiritual life Advisor
Past Life ~ Energy Seer
Animal Communicator
Feng Shui Consultant
Facebook, Instagram TikTok, YouTube, X (Twitter), LinkedIn
Podcast@ Every Day With An Angel
Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
Turn Our Personal Triggers Into Our Personal Treasures
Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
Triggers or Treasures? How a little ‘bouncing’ can shift our reality.” You may remember Tigger from Winnie The Pooh. A happy go lucky stuffed tiger who bounced on his tail and offered comedy relief and a smile along with some deeper messages.
There’s so much happening in our world that it’s almost impossible to avoid everything that can ‘trigger’ our emotions and challenging reactions. I’ll be sharing ideas of what treasures our triggers might show us and how we can choose to get ‘Tiggered’ not triggered by using those triggers as catalysts for our own personal growth.
Each show includes the inspiration of a channeled message to assist you. I’m not sure who will want to come through to bless our time together – you’ll have to watch to find out. If you’re wanting a bit of personal clarity I’ll be pulling Oracle cards towards the end of the show. Just ask and I’ll pull one for you!
Natasha Venter Multi Life Intuitive Medium
Spiritual life Advisor
Past Life ~ Energy Seer
Animal Communicator
Feng Shui Consultant
Facebook, Instagram TikTok, YouTube, X (Twitter), LinkedIn
Podcast@ Every Day With An Angel
Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
“How sensitive are you to the energies around you?”
Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
“How sensitive are you to the energies around you?” Do you feel challenged by the noises? People? Conversations?
I'm not challenged by the conversations, but the noise is challenging. As we're coming into new energies we may find that we are more and more sensitive.
If you are an empath, have a diagnosis like ADHD, PTSD, or something else, I want to share some ideas of how to manage our worlds energies, shifting planetary energies and other energies many of us are encountering in our daily life.
It's not wrong for us to be sensitive, but at the same time, sometimes it can be hard to handle. So how do you do it? I have some ideas and I hope that you are here to watch and interact. I want you to find your truth through what I share with you.
I often open to sharing the inspiration of a channeled message. I’m not sure who may want to come through to assist you and bless our time together – you’ll have to watch to find out. Towards the end of the show I’ll be pulling Oracle cards to give you guidance on where you’re at, your energies, and negotiations with life. Ask and I’ll pull one for you!
I’m considering a new name for my weekly podcasts. I'd love to have you help me choose.
To All who will be watching, I appreciate you being here. My intention is always to be supportive of you finding your truth in your life.
**** Bless you, Best to you in this journey of yours.
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive Medium
Spiritual life Advisor
Past Life ~ Energy Seer
Animal Communicator
Feng Shui Consultant
Facebook, Instagram TikTok, YouTube, X (Twitter), LinkedIn
Podcast@ Every Day With An Angel
Wednesday Mar 20, 2024
Ideas & insights on how to see that we or maybe life is sabotaging us
Wednesday Mar 20, 2024
Wednesday Mar 20, 2024
Wed. March 20th Regan Forston is my guest on Intuitive Clarifications with Natasha.
Do you wonder why some of us have a hard time getting what we want out of life? Do you wonder why we may start getting what we want and then it doesn't pan out?
As we come into the energies of this Spring Equinox, both a lunar and solar eclipse in the next few weeks, plus the many ongoing energetic and astrological shifts, we want to be careful we don’t sabotage ourselves.
We’ll be taking a look at the idea of self-sabotage. Those conversations we sometimes have with ourselves, others and life. We’ll talk about how our own thoughts about our experiences in life, memories, and even past lives can affect us now. I know, for me, living with the dance of dyslexia and other human stuff, it can be easy to temporarily derail myself from my path.
Regan and I want to help you find your own new knowings and the truths which support you as you walk into a more successful life – emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
We are both available for ‘virtual’ private sessions. If you're wanting a more personal conversation with either of us we’d love for you to make an appointment by visiting our websites
Regan Forston, Clinical Hypnotherapist. Regan is associated with The Newton Institute and certified by Delores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique.
He is also a certified ‘Life Between Lives’ facilitator and Past Life Regressionist.
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive Medium Spiritual life Advisor
Past Life ~ Energy Seer Animal Communicator Feng Shui Consultant (This is an new website address)
Facebook, Instagram TikTok, YouTube, X (Twitter), LinkedIn @NatashaVenter_IC
Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
How We Can Negotiate the Current and Upcoming Energies
Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
How is Life treating You?
In my life, I am witnessing a lot of positive interaction with the recent energies. It's taking me having a good, positive perspective of situations to make the most of them. I’ll share ways you may be able to make the most of working WITH these energies.
We just had an eclipse of the full moon - a great opportunity to shift something in our lives. I hope it was gentle with you.
Sunday is Easter. For those who celebrate there are religious energies plus the situations which can accompany friends and family gatherings.
Mercury begins its retrograde on April Fool's Day. Life seems to be full of ups and downs right now. It can be a gift to discover ways to move through those shifts to be our better self. I do hope and pray we can negotiate this to the better. I want to help you find your blessings.
Tune in to find out if a channeled message wants to come through. I may also pull an oracle card or two – ask if you’d like one.
My show will be shifting to being a little bit shorter. I hope it helps you get more out of what I'm sharing.
I offer Intuitive Awareness Coaching, channeled messages just for you, and support for what YOU are going through. Schedule your private session at . I’m here to help YOU. I hope you find blessings in your moments of life.
Natasha Venter
Intuitive Guidance
Past Life Information
Life Coaching
Energy Reading
Spiritual Counseling Mediumship
Feng Shui Guidance
Intuitive Animal Communication
Get in touch:
Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
What this Mercury in Retrograde can mean for you
Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
Today’s show is going to be about mercury in retrograde.
We have a great opportunity to make a difference coming into this moment of our life. Mercury retrograde can be a time of bigger change.
We have the eclipse right in the middle of it and the new moon. As we're embarking on a lot of this undertaking it can be amazing. If you keep our interactions positive, really look at re-rethinking, renewing, realigning, and repurposing, life can move you forward in an amazing way.
This may not be the time to make the biggest changes in your life, but it will be one to make some steps into your greater future because the universe is bringing new things into your knowing's. That's the gift of life right now - bringing in those new insights.
Tune in as I will also be pulling oracle cards and may channel a message for you. I hope this finds you well. I'm looking forward to interacting with you on this live show.
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive Medium
Past Life ~ Energy Seer
Animal Communicator
Feng Shui Advisor (this is a new website address)
Facebook, Instagram, X, LinkedIn & YouTube
@NatashaVenter_ic Podcast @Intuitive Clarifications with Natasha