Intuitive Clarifications with Natasha
On Wednesdays and other pop up times, the Podcast Intuitive Clarifications with Natasha~ Opening to New Knowings Catch it live Live Wednesdays 4pm PST on YouTube Natasha Venter-IC She holds the intention to bring the spirit worlds loving consciousness and messages down to this earthly plain. Natasha uses her life-long, natural born intuitive abilities to guide us through bumps along the road of life. With her soul’s remembrance of being born, she easily travels to any lifetime, dimension, and the Akashic Records. She’s been described as a bridge between worlds as a gifted animal communicator, a reader of energies, of client’s properties, Mother Earth, and in her work lovingly assisting people through grief and other emotionally challenging times. Natasha not only discusses how to navigate life but is joined Every 3rd Wed. by Newton Institute hypnotherapist Reagan Forston where Regan shares how using past life regression techniques and EFT (tapping) helps his clients. Join Natasha and her guests and let her over thirty years of experience guiding clients with her readings, healing meditations, life coaching enlighten and inspire you. ~ YouTube, FB, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok & LinkedIn @Natasha Venter_ic
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Revaluing Ourselves #2
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Well, today was an interesting day, starting my show in my car. Then I had an oops that I had to stop the show and restart it. So the beginning of this show is about the reinventing, re honoring, revaluing yourselves.
Then go to the second part of the show on the next video (this one), where I ended up channeling messages from Jesus and any other cards that got pulled after the main message that Jesus gave. You'll find messages from Quan Yan, Angel Maya and another ascendant masters. I hope that these messages in the other show. which I'm going to label revaluing yourself Part 2 will help you enjoy your life.
Hi, Natasha Venter. Multi Life Intuitive, Spiritual Counselor is looking like we can be in a moment where It's time for us to find ways to revalue ourselves. Many of us do not think of ourselves very highly or we tell ourselves many things that are down grading. When we are in these moments that and stress around us is happening We tend to go down some rabbit holes and negotiate the world in a less than moment; We stand in fear, the shame, guilt, and even grief. With this I'm hoping that this conversation I have with you is about the revaluing of our stories and the negotiation of this world of ours. It's really time for us to stop being in everybody else's business and come back to us which is part of that revaluing. At the end of the show, I will be pulling some oracle cards like I usually do wanting to help you give some insight as on this show too. If you're interested, I may be able to do a little bit of readings for you. Come and watch and be or listen later because the fact that even card readings are good for anybody to hear. even if it's not your card.
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive
Medium ~ Energy Seer
Spiritual Counselor
Feng Shui Advisor
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Finding Gratitude in difficult times with Regan Forston
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
I Natasha Venter and Regan Forston will have a conversation about being grateful and thankful in difficult times.
Many of us come from families or situations that are troublesome its difficult to find gratitude. When are in situations, we get around each other and it may have the possibility of triggering many of us in old patterns.
I want you to remember that when we are in these moments, we can do better or feel better about it. The thing is one thing that can help us all do better in situations is changing the energy of the mind and around us by being grateful because you cannot be angry and grateful at the same time. We also will talk about forgiveness and negative moments in our lives.
Come engage and listen as we have some useful information to help you for this holiday season.
Natasha Venter
Intuitive Medium
Spiritual Counselor
Regan Forston
Clinical Hypnotherapist
EFT Tapping Consultant
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Loving the Parts of Us and Others We Struggle With
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Do you struggle with loving yourself? Do you really like everything about you? Or do you have any problems with people around you? And then you want to love them or not?
Today I'm going to talk about this story of how we can find love for ourselves. I know it one time in my life. Well, actually more than that that I struggled with this dance myself of love and then people in my life I had to struggle finding love for two sometimes.
I want you to know that this is a thing that comes from us sometimes from birth and who we have around us. And /or the story that we tell ourselves because of what the whispers of things we had known about each other, like siblings.
When we are born, we don't have these judgments of self but we gain them through time. Sadly, And then it takes our lifetime to overcome them, to become more lovable to ourselves and others.
Please come and enjoy the conversation and at the end, I'll be pulling Oracle cards to give readings As every card, even if it was not pulled for you, can support you in your life's journey with a perspective for you.
Also you never know if I'll have a channeled message from one of our deities (Mother Mary came) that love us as they as they always have a message for us.
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive
Spiritual Counselor
Animal Communicator
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Negotiating relationships and how to stay centered in them
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Are you struggling with life and relationships? Should I be in one? Should I not Should I end this job? Should I tell my boss that he's bugging me? How about a husband or a wife, or any other kind of relationship? Friends, even. we all struggle with relationships and it's interesting how to negotiate them.
As I've been in a relationship with my husband for 32 years, and Susy some of the same years and we have understanding of a lot of this. So with that, Susy Parker Goins and I are going to talk about relationships as it's one of our number one conversations we have during sessions.
We also talked about protection from other peoples' energies and how to be with people who are energy zappers or energy vampires as it's called.
It's time for us to look at communication during these times and how do we see that this is one of our greatest teachers... relationships. So come and listen to find a perspective that might work and help for your future.
Susy Parker Goins (she/her)
Blue Lightning Healing email:
Up-to-date events and podcast links
Podcasts: Blue Lightning Healing Meditations
Facebook: Blue Lightning Healing
MeWe: Susy Parker Goins
The Coterie:
Natasha Venter
Intuitive Medium.
Energy Seer Spiritual Life Coach.
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Angels, Mercery in Retrograde, and the new moon that they can Help Us with
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Do you wonder who the angels are?
Do you wonder why they want to help us?
On today's show, I Natasha Venter is going to talk about how we have these angels that help us. We all have angels around us even if we do not believe in them We have angels with us sometimes From the beginning of our birth to the ending of our lives. And in this conversation I will even talk about the new moon and Mercury going into retrograde and how we can ask the angels to support us during these changes in our lives.
There is some channeling that I might do from the angels. For a important messages that is happening for our future. I actually did channel during the show St. Peter and ArchAngel Gabriel. Then towards the end of the show I will be talking about and pulling oracle cards to support you if you are asking for a small reading.
Natasha Venter
Intuitive Medium ~ Energy Seer
Spiritual Counselor
Animal Communicator
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Giving & Receiving with Regan Forston
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Do you struggle with giving well, Many of us give more than we receive in life. Come and hear the conversation between Regan Forston and I Natasha Venter about It is the season for giving and receiving. When we are in life, it's more easier to give than to receive. Many times were taught to always give and not receive. So when we're going through life and needing to receive it's a little bit uncomfortable. For example, many of us put ourselves last on the list to give anything to.
This conversation was a little bit deeper with the receiving and the giving of the universe. Also with this conversation was very intense on how do we give and receive from many different world's, dimensions, ourselves, the people round us, and the life we are. So going into this be a witness of your life, be a witness of what we're doing because I, Natasha personally witness kids have it down though they always want this or that, but why do we tell the kids that they can't Have it.
Who knows the true story though of where this all begins about not being able to receive but it is a human nature thing too for many of us. Let discuss and see if we can work through the emotions and balance the giving and receiving.
Regan Forston
Clinical Hypnotherapist
EFT Tapping Consultant
Natasha Venter
Mulit Life Intuitive
Medium ~ Energy Seer
Spiritual Counselor
Animal Communicator
Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
Expectations versus Reality as we walk into this years energies
Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
Sometimes in life expectations we have in life sometimes overwhelm what reality is happening in front of us. We all have perceptions and perspectives about what's happening in the world in front of us because we get in our minds. Sometimes those expectations roll over that and take charge. Sadly those around us human and not get caught up in this process. This year to come, we're going to want to be careful of that. The show today is going to be about some insights that came to me about this and how this will effects the years to come. Come and watch and interact As I love to hear the comments and Help You come to be a Better Human in this world of ours..
Towards the end of the show. I will be pulling Oracle cards and you never know who I may channel and actually Archangel Chammeral and Mother Mary . May you fine blessings in the day to day walk of your life!
Natasha Venter
Intuitive Medium
Past life & Energy Seer
Animal Communicator
Feng Shui Advisor
Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
Can We Rewrite Our Personal Life’s Story?
Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
I believe we can rewrite our story, especially moving forward. Many of us have opportunities to do this on a daily basis, but we would forget that we do or can. Many times it takes effort to reach out, train the brain or change our language.
On today's show I'm going to talk about the way we can negotiating rewriting our story. And being more proud of ourselves of our lives. I will also talk about the language we can use during this time.
Come and listen And at the end of the show, I will be pulling Oracle cards like I've been doing. Also you never know again who might pop in to give some information in my channeling of the universal love.
Natasha Venter
past life ~energy seer
spiritual life coach
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Jeff is someone who I have met through the Next Level Soul Podcast last summer. There's a big part of him that I understood as he was struggling with the clash of the 3 D world and the multi dimensional spiritual world we live in. I thought that his story is something that could help out many as we all have something that we've had to strive through to become our spiritual cells. Well, actually more than that, because this is something that our society around us doesn't truly understand how our spirit works. And many of us are missed. diagnosed in my understanding sometimes. I hope that this conversation can help you. in your journey of finding your spiritual soul, body path of this life.
Jeff's journey started as many in America, born to a 16 year old mother and 19 year old father. After 1.5 years of being handed between homes I,he was adopted by a family consisting of two parents and two older siblings. The environment we lived in was isolated from the modern world and we were indoctrinated into the American Judeo Christian religion. I had many challenges as my mental state was not something my parents were equipped to handle. I was an incredibly sensitive soul and my emotions were volatile at best. I rebelled against anything that felt imprisoning and rejected the religion despite many many periods of walking in oneness with the universe/God/Source as a child.
As an adult I married in my early twenties and had my first born daughter shortly after. This was my dream family. Manifested in writing at 12 years old come into fruition. My family was torn apart when one night I exited my body and met with a single lone being outside space and time. This being showed me many things in a blink of an eye. From the terror of the loneliness of the empty, to the potential global healing modern churches could bring to the world. This event blew my mind and I ended up in a mental hospital being injected with many drugs. I was chemically shut off and then told by family and Doctors that my experience was not real and I was insane. I was even mocked in the hospital by the attending Dr. and told my opinions didn’t matter. I knew my experience was more real than earth itself but because of the external inputs
I allowed myself to believe, I lived in separation from the universe for an additional ten years. During this time I went through a major battle with addiction alcohol being the convenience of choice as I masked the pain of my first family and child being ripped away from me. After 10 years, I finally had a support system in place that allowed me to go back inside myself and sort the massive amount of information I received from that first event.
I’ve had many experiences in this last 3 year period each bringing more and more universal insight while simultaneously guiding me through my inner darkness and highlighting the value my pains can bring this planet. My hope, goal, and focused intent is to help any that may be awakening as they are being shuffled into the western mental health culture.
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive Medium
Spiritual Counselor
Past Life ~ Energy Seer
Animal Communicator
Feng Shui Advisor
Facebook, Instagram TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn
Podcast@ Every Day With An Angel
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
Regan Forston is discussing 3D world & our spiritual universe are shifting & changing.
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
Wednesday Jan 24th LIVE! FYI Regan was on the road on mobile data and what a metaphor for the interesting way we are coming into the energies this year...."Our message my not always be clear yet we are on the path of new information so be patient as we will get it somehow and will get to where we need tobe soon"
Do you feel like your life is not going the way you wanted as you began the New Year with your dreams and goals?
Does it feel like life is starting to change a lot around you?
The spirit world is coming in in a different way and we have an opportunity to see life in a new light. Regan Forston, Clinical Hypnotherapist, EFT Tapping Consultant is joining me to discuss how the 3D world and our spiritual universe are shifting and changing. We’ll be talking about how ‘time’ feels different these days and we are being upgraded with new understandings. Expanding from my conversation with Jeff Brown last week, we’ll dive deeper into how our experience of the physical- 3D world may be interacting with the spirit world, how to make sense of new insights and messages, and how to move forward as it seems the ‘veil’ between worlds is thinning. The Universe may have bigger or better plans for us than we once believed possible.
Regan Forston
Clinical Hypnotherapist
EFT Tapping Consultant
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive
Spiritual Advisor
Medium ~ Energy Seer
Animal Communicator
Feng Shui Advisor
Facebook, Instagram TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn