Intuitive Clarifications with Natasha
On Wednesdays and other pop up times, the Podcast Intuitive Clarifications with Natasha~ Opening to New Knowings Catch it live Live Wednesdays 4pm PST on YouTube Natasha Venter-IC She holds the intention to bring the spirit worlds loving consciousness and messages down to this earthly plain. Natasha uses her life-long, natural born intuitive abilities to guide us through bumps along the road of life. With her soul’s remembrance of being born, she easily travels to any lifetime, dimension, and the Akashic Records. She’s been described as a bridge between worlds as a gifted animal communicator, a reader of energies, of client’s properties, Mother Earth, and in her work lovingly assisting people through grief and other emotionally challenging times. Natasha not only discusses how to navigate life but is joined Every 3rd Wed. by Newton Institute hypnotherapist Reagan Forston where Regan shares how using past life regression techniques and EFT (tapping) helps his clients. Join Natasha and her guests and let her over thirty years of experience guiding clients with her readings, healing meditations, life coaching enlighten and inspire you. ~ YouTube, FB, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok & LinkedIn @Natasha Venter_ic
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Emotions & Listening to the Universe on Life Clarifications with Natasha
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
As we're going through a life and deciding what and who to be, many times are emotions get triggered.... Am I good enough? Is there something in me that can do it? Why is everybody telling me I can't? Should I believe them you know, just things like that.
Well, for my life I literally go back to what's being shown to me to give me a clear message to help me get clarity. What I mean by that is that I look at emails and the wording. I look at signs on the road or even conversations I'm having with others. We are being guided if we pay attention to the next step, and right now, the steps are making our future. Come and listen and interact and let me know how I can help you to who your dance of life. I will also be pulling Oracle cards at the end and if you do not want a card yet, listen to the message, cause You can get something out of the each card being pulled that can have a meaning for You.
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive
Spiritual Counselor
Medium ~ Energy Seer
Feng Shui Advisor
Podcast @Life Clarifications with Natasha
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Finding Independence w Our Truth On The Dance of The Soul
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
When we are waking up in our spiritual awakening process truths can be triggered. Also many of us are struggling with generational beliefs that don't fit or newer ideas of life. Regan Forston and I Natasha Venter will talk about the journey of finding our truths.
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive
Spiritual Counselor
Medium ~ Energy Seer
Feng Shui Advisor
Podcast @Life Clarifications with Natasha
Regan Forston
Clinical Hypnotherapist
EFT Tapping Consultant
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Tip on how to BE on Life Clarifications with Natasha
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Do you feel like it's hard to get centered after a situation in life? Do you Get off centered in a conversation? Do you lose balance in yourself when you walk into a room with big energy? On life clarifications with Natasha. I will talk about tips that I have come up with. Dealing with life and the situations were in. I have practiced many of the tips that I will share today in my day-to-day Life of working with many personalities, and emotions just as life has come forward. Also halfway through the show. I will be pulling some Oracle cards to give a free Mini reading.
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive
Spiritual Counselor
Medium ~ Energy Seer
Feng Shui Advisor
Podcast @Life Clarifications with Natasha
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Grief on The Dance of the Soul
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Are you focusing on something that you've lost? Is there someone that you have lost that you are missing? Has there been a big change in your life and you are struggling with how to navigate it with your emotions?
Today on the Dance of the Soul Regan Forston Clinical Hypnotherapist EFT tapping Consultant and I Natasha Venter Intuitive Medium will be talking about grief. We both have negotiated it and know it's not an easy dance and have lived through the many moments of it! Come and interact if you wish to be in the moments of this conversation to hopefully help you negotiate where you're at in you're personal grief.
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive
Spiritual Counselor
Medium ~ Energy Seer
Feng Shui Advisor
Podcast @Life Clarifications with Natasha
Regan Forston
Clinical Hypnotherapist
EFT Tapping Consultant
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Perspectives on Forgiveness On Life Clarifications
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
As we walk into life there's just some things that sit in the minds and it's hard to navigate them with Forgiveness. On Today Show, I will be talking about forgiveness and how to negotiate it in ways that we can live with life and persevere through. And we'll talk a little bit about boundaries, forgiveness, and what if we cant forgive with a little bit More and then at the end, I will be pulling some Oracle cards for a reading.
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive
Spiritual Counselor
Medium ~ Energy Seer
Feng Shui Advisor
Podcast @Life Clarifications with Natasha
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Communication & Relationships On the Dance of the Soul
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Do you struggle with knowing how to communicate well? Do you wonder why our tone can make a difference? There can be grief even when we are not heard or the conversation isn't going well in our personal opinion. When we communicate well in our relationships it does make a difference! Trust the process of learning and being as we all are struggling with communication. Seems like that lately a lot. Reagan Forston and I, Natasha Venter will talk about the ways we can communicate why and how.
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive
Spiritual Counselor
Medium ~ Energy Seer
Feng Shui Advisor
Podcast @Life Clarifications with Natasha
Regan Forston
Clinical Hypnotherapist
EFT Tapping Consultant
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Angels &Our helpers on Life Clarifications w Natasha
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Sometimes the religions that we are with don't always explain how our helpers on the other side of the veil, Well, they're actually not on the other side.;They're actually with us. Sometimes standing right behind us helping. Many times I see Angels and guides standing right behind someone trying to assist them. But the person is not listening to her. Engaging with the signs that they try to give us.
On Today Show, I will explain a little bit more about angel's guides. Fairies, and how right now, in the energy that we're in and the place we are in in this day. And day life, how they're interacting with us so that you can feel assisted. About the half hour I will start pulling Oracle cards and doing readings for those that are looking for assistance in that way.
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive
Spiritual Counselor
Medium ~ Energy Seer
Feng Shui Advisor
Podcast @Life Clarifications with Natasha
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Change and why it may happen
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Monday Jul 24, 2023
You may wonder why a divorce or job changes or something like that. When we're in the change, we can't see with magic ball to see the future of why. Trusting the process is not easy yet, when we do a lot of times I can make it easier. Regan Forston and I Natasha Venter, We'll talk about how navigating change. Can if we allow it that process to happen.
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive
Spiritual Counselor
Medium ~ Energy Seer
Feng Shui Advisor
Regan Forston
Clinical Hypnotherapist
EFT Tapping Consultant
Podcast @Life Clarifications with Natasha
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Do you struggle with believing in yourself? Do you struggle believing in the future? As I witnessed many people in their lives, many struggle believing in a lot of things. Today's conversation, I will talk about ways to believe in you and other things as we walk into this world of ours. I will be pulling oricale cards like I normally do towards the end of the show.
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive Spiritual Counselor
Medium ~ Energy Seer
Feng Shui Advisor
Podcast @Life Clarifications with Natasha
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Life Altering Moments on the Dance of the Soul
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Do you know what a life-altering experience is? Do you consider going through something big Iis a lifefaltering experience. When we go through my faltering experiences many times it's a A time to really shift our life. Take advantage of this moment to better ourselves. I consider COVID even an life alternative experience. Many of us go through grief at this time also, so it's a very vulnerable place to be. But and how to take advantage of it in a positive way.
Natasha Venter
Multi Life Intuitive
Spiritual Counselor
Medium ~ Energy Seer
Feng Shui Advisor
Podcast @Life Clarifications with Natasha
Regan Forston
Clinical Hypnotherapist
EFT Tapping Consultant